We have many resources to serve you and many opportunities for you to serve your brothers and sisters. “AND WHATEVER YOU DO, IN WORD OR DEED, DO EVERYTHING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS, GIVING THANKS TO GOD THE FATHER THROUGH HIM.” Colossians 3:17
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
The Catholic Youth Organization is a parish-based program which provides opportunities for the youth to grow in faith through involvement in parish regional, and Archdiocesan life. The five phases of this youth ministry are athletic, social, cultural, service and spiritual.
Food Cupboard and Clothing Closet
The food cupboard is located in the East End of Chester at the Catholic Social Services building in Chester, PA 130 East 7th Street. Food is distributed here to those in need of all ages. The food cupboard runs solely on the generosity of others. Volunteers are always welcome. Hours Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am to 12:15 pm. Please call 484-490-5079 for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass as well as to our parish members who are homebound. Any Catholic 18 or older who has received the three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion) and is an active member of the parish, is eligible to be trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion.
Greeters & Ushers
Our purpose is to help our parish remain a warm, loving family by greeting parishioners and guests. A friendly greeting is all it takes to enhance each person's sense of belonging. All that is needed to be a Greeter/Usher, is a willingness to serve at a Saturday, Sunday, or Holy Day masses.
Lectors are called to proclaim the Word of God. The goal is a prayerful and meaningful proclamation resulting in a more meaningful liturgical celebration. Lectors play a vital role in the celebration of liturgy. Anyone interested in being a lector should be able to read well and be at ease speaking publicly.
Altar Servers
The role of the altar server is to assist the priest in celebration of the Mass. The mission of the altar server is to minister at God's altar with reverence, dignity, and love. Parishioners are encouraged to consider becoming altar servers. An altar server's commitment to the altar is not only a duty, but also a great honor and genuine holy service. The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration. In the Liturgy, you are much more than simple helpers of the parish priest. Above all, you are a servant of Jesus Christ.
Music Ministry
Music Ministry helps people respond in the dialogue of worship and liturgy. Music provides a shared experience of giving, receiving, and celebrating the life of faith individually, as well as communually.
Pastoral Committee
The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist in the pastoral care of the parish by sharing responsibilities with the pastor, the pastoral staff, for the life and mission of the Church. It is a consultative body which makes recommendations to the pastor. The council also works to build a sense of community amongst all members of the parish.
Finance Committee
Appointed members advise the pastor on Parish fiscal issues. This advisory committee is required by canon law and functions adhering to the norms given in Canon Law and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
St. Katharine Drexel has an active pro-life ministry. While we don't hold regular meetings we participate faithfully in many local pro-life activities and many of us are willing to step up in crisis moments to assist a mother to choose life for her child. Examples of our activities include a local 1 hour weekly protest at Crozer-Chester Medical Center; volunteering at the local Delaware County Pregnancy Center, annual pilgrimage to the March for Life in Washington, DC; annual participation in the Stand Up For Life Dinner in Philadelphia; and other activities as they arise. If you're interested in assisting a mother to choose life or joining our efforts - or participating with local pregnancy resource centers please reach out to our parish pro-life coordinator: Leah Squitieri
Health Ministry
The mission of the Parish Health Ministry is to encourage and promote health of the mind, body, and spirit of the church, through education and prayer. The ministry's goal is to be a guide to knowledge, self-care, wellness, resources, and hope. Parish healthcare professionals and all parishioners interested in serving the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of our parish are invited to join.
Bereavement Ministry
The purpose of the committee is to directly express the parish’s sympathy by offering support at the time of death of a family member. We provide the family with information and guidance in the planning of the Liturgy for their loved one. The Bereavement Ministry provides consolation, support, and hope. We make an effort to be representatives of their Catholic community and to share their grief.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to collaborate with all who seek to relieve need and address the causes by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. Energized by the awareness that service to our brother or sister in need is in fact an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are keenly aware that poverty, suffering and loneliness are present for millions in our communities. For that reason, we collaborate with all who seek to relieve need and address the causes, while stimulating people's journey out of poverty. You can call us at 610-990-9525 to let us know about your need or desire to volunteer.
Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry supports and coordinates outreach ministry offered by parish-based volunteers to the imprisoned. Prison Ministry offers a spiritual and emotional assistance to inmates.
Men's Gospel Reflection Group
This group is open to all men who wish to share a brief hour of prayer, fraternity and reflection on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. This is a great way for men to grow in their faith - no matter where you are on your walk with the Lord. Please join our flocknote and add yourself to the "Mens Group" in order to receive our updates.
Currently we meet virtually every Saturday at 8am. Please see our email announcements for the link to the meeting. God bless you!