SKD is a Next Generation Catholic Parish
focused on
Unity ~ Youth ~ Stewardship
Unidad ~ Juventud ~ Generosidad
Keep up to date about our parish vision going forward!
FIFTH Update - DEcember 25, 2021
IMplementation phase
Fourth Update - published in the
May 9, 2021 bulletin:
Third Update - published in the
May 2, 2021 bulletin:
second Update - published in the
April 25, 2021 bulletin:
Originally published in the April 25, 2021 bulletin
First Update - published in the
April 18, 2021 bulletin:
A wise but simple saying many of us are familiar with states: if you don’t know where you’re going you’ll probably never get there! As a parish community we have been blessed with the chance to chart our course forward, under God’s inspiration, as we participate in the Next Generation Catholic Parish [NGCP] pilot program through the Catholic Leadership Institute [CLI]. This opportunity was graciously funded 100% by a generous donor to CLI.
One of the first actions we took was to participate in the Disciple Maker Index [DMI] survey in the Fall of 2020. I’m pleased to report that the results of the DMI survey have been received. Because you took the time to participate, we have a wealth of information. Thank you so much! A team of parishioners have been called together to use that information to begin crafting an action plan based on our strengths and opportunities as a parish.
This team is called an Envisioning Team and the members are:
Dcn. John Pileggi, Sandy Ramos, Mary Lopez, Christopher V. Brawley, Sue Ramberg, Jose Martin, Victor Mekwunye, and Fr. Tom Whittingham, along with a consultant from the Catholic Leadership Institute, Miguel Santos.
The Envisioning Team is working to compose a parish vision as well as to establish concrete goals that will direct our efforts as a parish in the years ahead. We are still unpacking the information we received from the survey and our team is excited and energized by how this information can impact the life of our parish.
As we progress there will be updates in the bulletin and flocknote emails. Please pray for us and our work on behalf of the entire parish of St. Katharine Drexel! You can view the information about this effort on our website at: